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1999 – 2012,
acrylic paint and collages, 275 cm x 115 cm

Man descends from the ape … But the ape does too !

This painting, therefore, does not represent the ancestor, a man from today and one from the future. It is simply about Uncle Massa (the oldest gorilla in the world born in captivity, fifty years old in this image), father Rabus (at the same age) and Ken, the ideal man for Barbie.

This work deals with the issue of bestiality and humanity… Where is the dividing line? … Whereas the innocent gorilla would not hurt a fly, happiness in the civilized world, our happiness: that of Barbie and Ken, depends on life’s submission on Earth, rather than on knowledge, dialogue and harmony… Whence my perplexed look.

But Barbie’s smile seems to illuminate the planet for eternity. It’s our destiny, we are condemned to do everything to be happy !